I’m Josie Kishi, a computer scientist and DNA nanotechnologist building new tools to measure and understand biology and disease.

I recently started a biotech company.

Our ability to understand biology is currently limited by our ability to measure it. I believe if we unlock the information that is hidden in our cells and tissues, we could revolutionize the way that new therapeutics are created.

I studied Computer Science at Caltech, where I learned to program computers and molecules. I then earned a PhD and postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard and the Wyss Institute, where I developed DNA nanotechnology tools for imaging and sequencing of biological samples. I’m now Co-Founder and CEO of a biotech startup, Digital Biology.


You can download my CV here.


Many of my publications and patents are listed here.


Press releases and videos about previous methods I developed here and here. An interview about programming DNA here.

In the future, I hope to build fully digital predictive models of biology, so we can computationally simulate biological responses to therapeutic treatments.

To reach that future, we first need a deep mechanistic understanding of the underlying biology. This is why I focus on building revolutionary tools for measuring the complexity of biology and interpreting those data.